ARTHI announces that it is implementing the adaptation project to the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (Law nº 13.709/2018 – LGPD).

This Law provides for the processing of Personal data, whether in the physical or digital medium, carried out by persons of Public or Private Law.

Considering that we process personal data of individuals, we are making the adjustments provided for by law in our documents, contracts, terms of consent and information. In addition, we are improving our security systems and receiving training to adapt our culture on data processing in compliance with the Law.

We estimate to complete the adaptation schedule within six months and we are being guided by the AgoralGPD and RENATA MIRANDA ADVOCACIA advisory services.

ARTHI registers its commitment to the protection of personal data so that the fundamental rights of freedom and privacy and the free development of the personality of the natural person are protected, contributing to the improvement of our society.